Monday, November 22, 2010

1 run done.....91 to go....

Today I think will be the hardest day, only because it was the day I decided to get out and go. I had the morning off of work, and my bed and PJ's seemed so much more appealing, but I got out there and ran my first 2 miles. It felt good to get out again, I know it wasn't a great run, in fact I ran/walked it, but I did it and that's the first step. Short post today, I'm going to try to remember to update it as much as possible though.

Quote of the day: "It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task, which, more than anything else, will affect it's successful outcome." William James

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Starting Over with a new Challenge

Open up your eyes
Awake, arise
Love like a hand reaches down
And pulls us up from the dirty ground

Now is the time
To step from the dark into the light
Cause you can’t change what you’ve done
But you can choose who you’ll become

Every moment is a second chance
At starting over, at starting over
Move from the past to the present tense
You can start over, start over again

If you feel ashamed
Of the choices that you’ve made
You can be whole again
And return to your innocence

Every moment is a second chance
At starting over, at starting over
Move from the past to the present tense
You can start over, start over again

Yesterday is gone
Today is all you’ve got
You don’t have to be who you’ve been
You can change within
It’s never too late
To start over again

Every moment is a second chance
At starting over, at starting over
Move from the past to the present tense
You can start over, start over again

I've blogged about this song, I've blogged about starting over and that "this time I'm really going to do it" but again I've found myself starting over again. I'm tired of the excuses of school and work, I'm tired of not following through, and I'm tired of having to start from point A all over and over again. Every moment is a second chance though, I CAN start over, it's never too late. I'm using this moment, to start over and this time I'm really going to do it. I have challenged myself from now until May 1, to complete 4 races in ascending order, starting with a 5k and ending with a full marathon. 23 weeks, 4 races, 48.6 miles of racing and over 400 miles of training. Tomorrow is my first day of training, my first 2 miles, my starting over point. This time I'm going to do it. This time I'm doing it for myself. This time I want accountability. I'm blogging not to brag about what I'm going to accomplish or to say look what I'm doing, but to be real, and keep myself going and with the hopes that people will read and ask me about my training. That way I have no excuse not to do it. I don't want to tell anyone that I haven't done my run for the day or I stopped training. I'm excited and ready for a challenge.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm Back thanks to Amanda :)

So I kinda gave up on posting anything on here because I didn't think anyone was really reading, but after an amazingly nice message from Amanda, it showed me that even if one person was reading, then that is enough to motivate me. I originally started this blog, not to brag about my running or accomplishments, but for accountability to myself and encouragement to others (and maybe for myself as well). So it's late and I don't have too much tonight, but I'm going to be much better at posting and updating on here. I'm in training again, and this time I'm ready to kick butt (or asphalt) :)>

Monday, June 21, 2010

1 day down....321 left!!!! :)

I am one day into my 322 day journey of marathon training and transforming me!! 321 days left! :) Today was rough. I pushed my pace a little faster than I should have, thinking I wasn't running as much as I had been in the past. Well when you run after not running for a couple weeks, anything is more than in the past. Oh well, I got a mile in which is one mile more than I have been doing, which is one more mile closer to my goal. After I ran, I lifted; it was a shoulder day. I hate shoulder days, every little click and pop freaks me out. For those of you that know me well, you know I have major shoulder problems, for those who don't, shoulder problems were what ended my swimming career. I pushed through though, and don't have to do anything shoulder related for a whole week!!! :)
Today is a short recap, I'm drinking a protein shake and getting ready for another productive day. Keep checking back for updates and feel free to comment and ask me questions!! Thanks for taking the time to read my journey!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Start Over Again

And so I find myself starting over AGAIN!!! But you know what, that is ok. Life is about picking up the pieces when you fall short and beginning again. My favorite song right now is by Addison Road, coincidentally called Start Over Again, and it's all about starting over, my favorite part is "yesterday is gone, today is all you've got, you don't have to be who you've been, you can change within, it's never too late, to start over again". And so, that is what I'm doing. I have a huge goal in mind, more on that as it gets closer :), this one I'm keeping to myself and a few other people for right now. Tomorrow begins my marathon training. I'm starting slow, and actually doing 2 training plans back to back, one is the Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer which provides tips and training for beginners, which is 12 weeks, before I start I am going to build up my 3 mileage base again for the next 4 weeks. After that training plan, it finishes perfectly in line with the San Antonio Rock n Roll. Once that is done, I have a 26 week plan which finishes perfectly with the Lincoln Marathon. I'm excited to start and welcome encouragement and everyone asking me if I have done my training for the day.
Along with my running, I am doing a few different weight lifting plans, to transform my body. I am so unhappy with how I look and the only thing I can do about it is work on it :). I am also beginning the Eat Clean Diet for more information go to . Basically it is not a diet, but a way of eating that is only natural and unprocessed foods. I have seen a lot of people that successfully transform their bodies eating this way. I'm not concerned so much with how much I weigh, but just being healthy and treating my body as a temple. This is the only one God gave me and I'm not doing my best to treat it right and take care of it as I should.
I am so ready to begin this transformation. I know I have a long way to go, but it is going to be worth it for a lifetime of health and fitness.

Monday, May 17, 2010

It's been a while......but I'm back

So, after the high of finishing my half, I sort of fell off the bandwagon training wise. It wasn't that I didn't have the desire to, but that when I had the choice between sleep, hanging out with friends, or most importantly school work, I inevitably chose those 3 instead of training. But here I go, guns blazing to get back into running, and most importantly get back in shape.
Back in high school, and the first half of undergrad, I was in incredible shape. I could endure, long and what seemed like endless workouts in the pool, and the gruesome dryland workouts which involved running, weights, plyometrics, and abs. I did track for a few years in Jr. High and High School and I knew I could do most anything. Even in college when the training wasn't as intense I could lace up my shoes and go for a 5 mile run, no big deal. I worked out twice a day most days and I was happy. When I found out I would most likely never compete in swimming again. I became depressed, and just gave up working out all together. I would have runs or walks and lift here and there, but it would never be that consistent. Two summers ago, I was consistent, and felt great, but then the stress of senior year took over and instead of turning to exercise which I used to do, I turned to food, and gained weight, and that habit stuck until now.
So, here I am ready to train for something again. It's not swimming anymore, but it's running. I said in my last post I am addicted to half marathons, and I can't wait to do another!!! I love the feeling of accomplishing something. I love the feeling of training for something. Running and swimming have a lot of the same mindset techniques. It's training your brain to allow yourself to push further than you've pushed before. It's knowing your body can do so much more than your mind allows it to. I'm here to treat my running training like I used to treat swim practice. When I was swimming, there was no excuse for missing practice. While I know that may not always be feasible in the almost adult world, I'm going to make every effort to workout every day that I plan, and if something comes up try to rearrange my training schedule.
In 26 days I'm running a 10k in Dublin, TX with my friends Sara, Jordan and Brent. Sara and I have begun training, somewhat consistently, well we've gotten at least 1 day of running a week :) but with just under 4 weeks left, it's go time. Along with that training, I'm beginning weight training again today. I'm gaining control of me again, and that feels good. Keep reading, or checking in, to keep me accountable. I'm ready for the change but I know it won't be easy.

Monday, March 15, 2010


So my friend Robyn was going to Dallas this past weekend to do the Dallas Inaugural Rock N Roll Half Marathon, and asked me if I wanted to go with her, being that it was Spring Break and I was doing absolutely nothing. I agreed, and then she proceeded to tell me that registration was still open and I could still sign up to do it. I kinda joked about doing thinking "who signs up for a half marathon and completes it with no training?" I mean I'm sure people do that, but not in the shape that I'm in, which is pretty much zero. If you've read my blog you know that I haven't blogged in over a month, which was pretty much the last time I ran, or did anything physical. My leg was in pain most of the time and so when I did run it wasn't very long or productive.
Well I went home Thursday night after talking to Robyn and called my parents and I knew that I was going to go to Dallas and for sure watch, knowing watching it would just give me motivation to start doing something. Friday night I went for a short walk/run which turned into a disaster. I got dehydrated, ended up with a massive headache and threw up most of the night. I was pretty sure I was NOT going to do the half.
Saturday came and it was time to head to Dallas, I was pretty excited. I was still 50/50 on actually doing the race although I said I was. I still needed to sign up, and part of me was hoping the race would be full. On the way there though, I got in the mindset that if I could do this half-marathon, in possibly the worst shape of my life, I could do just about anything. As some of you know I am OBSESSED with The Biggest Loser! I watch that show every week and watch past seasons, I told myself that this half was like the challenge that the contestants have to do on the show. I also told myself that if those contestants could go on the show and do hours upon hours of working out after sitting on a couch for 20 years, I could do this. I decided that I was going to finish this, if I had to walk the whole thing that was fine. I was going to shoot for 3 1/2 hours but if I didn't get that then I was going to be OK because I had NO training and it was just for fun and to prove to myself that I could do it. So Robyn and I got to Dallas and got to the expo and I just signed up right away so that I couldn't second guess myself. Then I got excited, as we walked around the expo it started really sinking in, I was really going to do a half marathon! All those times I said I was going to do one and started and then stopped for one excuse or another, I was finally going to do it!
Flash forward to the race....the morning of I was so nervous! All those years of swimming brought the competitiveness out in me and I wanted to RACE, but I told myself that this was just for fun and that I needed to take it easy and just do it and finish. It was hard and long, but I did it! I started out and it was kind of surreal and then about mile 4 it hit me I WAS DOING A HALF MARATHON!!! I alternated miles of walking and running and just focusing on doing it. For a lot of the race I was behind this guy whose shirt on the back said "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" and I kept saying that to myself. I knew that I was doing this through Christ, He was giving me the strength to finish this race. I was doing this because of Him. By mile 6 I realized that my pace was going to enable me to easily break 3:30 and that made me really happy and excited. Looking at my times and splits, I was at around 1:35 for my half way mark and I finished in 3:03.49 which means I negative split it! yay!!!
The picture at the top is right before I crossed the finish line. I was so happy! I cried right after I finished. Crossing that line, I felt like I could do ANYTHING! I had just finished a half marathon with NO training, in the worst shape of my life!!! I am now totally addicted to half-marathons! I have so much motivation to train for one and see what I can do once I get in shape, and in November I want to do a full!!!!